Purchase: http://amzn.to/2tU2Vll
This set of hand exercisers is awesome. I was going to buy one of those squeezy ball things, but this set offers a variety of different ways to strengthen your hands and forearms. Each exercise device does a unique job. There is the adjustable spring tension hand gripper, the donut which you squeeze sort of in the palm of your hand at the base of your fingers, the individual finger squeeze gripper, which I also call the trumpet gripper because it reminds me of the keys on a trumpet, and lastly the stretchy rubber reverse gripper in which you extend your hand outward against the tension.
All of these exercise tools are made very well. The only thing I wish were that the finger holes on the hand spreader exercise tool were bigger. My fingers barely fit into the holes and my fingers are not that big.
All in all, this is a great kit and I would definitely recommend it to others. 🙂
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